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(English) Minas Gerais Trade Board may cancel thousands of registries as of April this year
Chenut na Mídia  |  Postado em: 2 abr 2012

(English) Minas Gerais Trade Board may cancel thousands of registries as of April this year

Minas Gerais Trade Board may cancel thousands of registries as of April this year (Fernando Di Sabatino G. Lisboa) Individuals exercising commercial activities and companies that have not…

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(English) International Capitals – The time limits for the rendering of CBE`s declarations were defined
Chenut na Mídia  |  Postado em: 2 abr 2012

(English) International Capitals – The time limits for the rendering of CBE`s declarations were defined

International Capitals – The time limits for the rendering of CBE`s declarations were defined (Renato Schweizer Lage Araújo) Central Bank Circular n. 3,574 has entered into force in January 2012…

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(English) Change in STJ`s position on the calculation basis of ISSQN on engeneering services
Chenut na Mídia  |  Postado em: 2 abr 2012

(English) Change in STJ`s position on the calculation basis of ISSQN on engeneering services

Change in STJ`s position on the calculation basis of ISSQN on engeneering services (Paulo Antônio Machado da Silva Filho) The Superior Tribunal of Justice has recently changed a consolidated…

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(English) Extension of time for geo-referencing of rural areas of up to 500 hectares
Chenut na Mídia  |  Postado em: 2 abr 2012

(English) Extension of time for geo-referencing of rural areas of up to 500 hectares

Extension of time for geo-referencing of rural areas of up to 500 hectares (Marcela Turani Palhares) It has been published in the Official Gazette the extension of time to the compulsory…

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(English) Electronic Registry of presence – New extension has postponed the implementation of the system.
Chenut na Mídia  |  Postado em: 2 abr 2012

(English) Electronic Registry of presence – New extension has postponed the implementation of the system.

Electronic Registry of presence – New extension has postponed the implementation of the system. (Débora Félix de Ávila) Ordinance nº 1.510 issued by the Ministry of Labor, that regulates the…

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(English) New modality of company in Brazil – EIRELI
Chenut na Mídia  |  Postado em: 2 abr 2012

(English) New modality of company in Brazil – EIRELI

New modality of company in Brazil – EIRELI (Marcela Turani Palhares and Tatiana Metran Armandou) According to Law nº 12,441, published on July 11, 2011, the Brazilian system of laws has, since…

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(English) Decision of the São Paulo Federal Justice benefits foreign company supplier of non-technical services in Brazil
Chenut na Mídia  |  Postado em: 2 abr 2012

(English) Decision of the São Paulo Federal Justice benefits foreign company supplier of non-technical services in Brazil

Decision of the São Paulo Federal Justice benefits foreign company supplier of non-technical services in Brazil. (Paulo Antônio Machado da Silva Filho) The Federal Regional Tribunal of the…

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Projeto de Lei nº 3.937/04 – Nova Lei de Defesa da Concorrência
Artigos  |  Postado em: 21 mar 2012

Projeto de Lei nº 3.937/04 – Nova Lei de Defesa da Concorrência

O Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência é atualmente regido pela Lei nº 8.884/1994, a qual trata dos órgãos que o compõem e as respectivas competências, bem como disciplina os meios de…

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Registro Eletrônico de Ponto – Nova prorrogação adia o prazo para implantação do sistema.
Chenut na Mídia  |  Postado em: 21 mar 2012

Registro Eletrônico de Ponto – Nova prorrogação adia o prazo para implantação do sistema.

Registro Eletrônico de Ponto – Nova prorrogação adia o prazo para implantação do sistema. (Débora Félix de Ávila – Equipe de Direito do Trabalho) A Portaria nº 1.510 expedida pelo…

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