Presidente Dilma Roussef assina decreto 7.821/12 que promulga acordo entre Brasil e União Europeia sobre isenção de visto para viagens de curta duração. Gabriela Zaidan Cunha (Advogada da…
Medida provisória nº 582 concede benefícios fiscais.
Medida provisória nº 582 concede benefícios fiscais. Paulo Antônio Machado da Silva Filho (Advogado da Equipe de Direito Tributário) Tâmara Caroline de Souza Utsch Jorge (Estagiária da…
(Français) Note relative à l’Instruction normative n°1277
Note relative à l’Instruction normative n°1277 Júlia Bandeira de Melo Campos Paulo Antônio Machado da Silva Filho L’Administration fiscale Fédérale brésilienne a publié le 28 juin…
(English) The Payment of social capital quota of a limited company by property
These article aims to show briefly some importante points about the payment of social capital quota of a limited company by property. Key-Words: Limited Company. Social Capital. Subscription. Payment…
(English) The inertia of the creditor and its consequences
The non-exercise of rights established in the contract by not foreseeing immediate losses generated by the inertia of action is business practice in Brazil. However, contracting parties should be…
Communiqué de presse – Nouvelle ordonnance et résolutions dans le contexte de changement du système de défense de la concurrence au Brésil. Gabriel Bicalho Carvalho (Stagiaire de l’équipe…
Modification de la Loi de la Sécurité Sociale (loi 8.212/91) qui exige des entreprises qu’elles communiquent mensuellement aux employés les sommes versées à la sécurité sociale. Débora…
Les étrangers peuvent désormais demander la transformation d’un visa temporaire en visa permanent. Gabriela Zaidan Cunha (Avocate de l’équipe d’Immigration) Júlia Bandeira de Melo…
(English) Foreigners can file for conversion of temporary visa into a permanent one
Foreigners can file for conversion of temporary visa into a permanent one Gabriela Zaidan Cunha (Attorney from Imigration Department) Júlia Bandeira de Melo Campos (Intern from Imigration…